What are the available intelligent charging modes?

Welke intelligente laadmodi zijn er?


There are 3 intelligent charging modes:


  • Manual
  • Sun Only
  • Automatic

With these three new charging modes, we offer a personalized and efficient charging process, making car charging even more intuitive:



The user has full control over the charging power and can determine the amount of energy to be charged. Charge the car at a fixed speed up to 100% or disconnect it at any time. Opt for maximum comfort!


Sun Only

Recharge the car only using solar energy. The charging process starts only when a sufficient amount of solar energy is available.



The car is charged with a pre-set number of kilometers within a specific period.

The amount of charged energy is economically determined, considering:

  • The settings of the energy slider.
  • The set tariff: single, double, or dynamic tariff.

These new charging modes offer a flexible and advanced approach for a personalized and efficient charging process, suitable for various needs and situations.